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A rechargeable battery made from food

A rechargeable battery made from food

It has been realized at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and supported by European Research Council’s grant (more…)
Early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases will pass through RNA

Early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases will pass through RNA

The correlation between small RNA molecules and aging-related brain diseases has been described on EMBO Reports (more…)


Green techniques and 3D electron diffraction for new MOF

Green techniques and 3D electron diffraction for new MOF

Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are porous crystalline materials whose structure resembles a scaffold of beams around a large empty space; this…
DYNAMO: a new generation of scientists and hybrid nanopore technologies

DYNAMO: a new generation of scientists and hybrid nanopore technologies

A training network among 9 world-leading academic and industrial groups in Europe and coordinated by IIT, to educate 11 PhD…


International recognition to the IIT for its outstanding contribution to humanoid robotics aimed at reducing workers' health injuries

International recognition to the IIT for its outstanding contribution to humanoid robotics aimed at reducing workers' health injuries

The IEEE-RAS Technical Committee on Whole-Body Control awarded the Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence (AMI) Unit, headed by Daniele Pucci at…
Robotics and the Sense of Self in humans

Robotics and the Sense of Self in humans

In a review paper published recently in Science Robotics a cognitive roboticist, cognitive psychologist and a psychiatrist discuss the concept…

Computational Sciences

NRRP: National Supercomputing Centre

NRRP: National Supercomputing Centre

IIT leader for AI and Big Data for health (more…)
Interview with the Sicilian scientist Michele Parrinello

Interview with the Sicilian scientist Michele Parrinello

Another international recognition for the revolutionary “Car – Parrinello” method (more…)

Voices from the labs


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