IIT is in the Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers list

Annamaria Petrozza, Liberato Manna and Michael Lombardo are the IIT’s researchers included in the Clarivate Plc’s 2021 list of Highly Cited Researchers, published last November 16th
PI Profiles: Paolo Netti

Interview with Paolo Netti, Coordinator of the IIT Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Healthcare
‘Science Fiction 2’ from IIT labs to the fantastic

IIT’s research-inspired science fiction anthology returns
IIT takes part in the first Tech Transfer Day dedicated to robotics and innovation

The first results of RoboIT, CDP Venture Capital’s National Technology Transfer Pole with IIT as its scientific hub, have been presented
Portraits of Women in Science

Mazzolai and Traviglia chosen to represent the innovative face of Italy
PI Profiles: Angelo Reggiani

Interview with Angelo Reggiani, coordinator of the IIT research line “D3 Validation“
PI Profiles: Monica Gori

Interview with Monica Gori, Coordinator of the IIT Centre for “Unit for Visually Impaired people”
Interview with Dajana Cassioli, Chair of IEEE WIE Affinity Group – Italy Section

2-3 December, the first IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit in Italy.
PI Profiles: Alessio Del Bue

Interview with Alessio Del Bue, coordinator of the IIT research line “PAVIS – Pattern Analyisis and computer VISion”
4W4I MultiAbility Game, breaking down barriers with multisensorial games

Interview with Monica Gori: a tangible operation to help other people, male and female.