Tutti gli appuntamenti di IIT a Sharper
Al via domani la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2021 a Genova
A chat with Serena Ivaldi
“I can quite easily tell that studying robots brought me closer to understanding human beings somehow”
International Talks: Yann Stephane Claude Pelloux
Isn’t it about flexibility?
From Theatre, to theatre in schools: Dario Focardi’s idea against the silence of the stage
In Cascina, technology and theatre are arriving in school with the project What can a robot do?
A 3D painting for iCub
Interview with Tracy Lee Stum, internationally-recognised American street painter and author who specialises in interactive 3D chalk art street paintings
International Talks: Arash Ajoudani
Imagine a situation where you are in your garage and doing some manual work..
International Talks: Velia Siciliano
The rollercoaster of feelings in science
“Time’s Kid of the Year”: popularising the importance of research?
Interview with Camilla Coletti, coordinator of IIT’s 2D Materials Engineering Lab and the IIT Graphene Labs.
Interview with the Sicilian scientist Michele Parrinello
Another international recognition for the revolutionary “Car – Parrinello” method
Before, during, and after Covid-19, how life has changed within the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Interview with Massimiliano Gatti, Director of Technical Services and Facilities at IIT