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Voices From The Labs, season2: Science and transparency

A new episode of the second season of Voices From The Labs, the IIT podcast curated by the Communications and External Relations Directorate, is online

In this episode of Voices From the Labs we will talk about the international competition between robotic avatars from laboratories all over the world, ANA Avatar X Prize, which will be held in the next few days in Los Angeles (USA) in which IIT is taking part with two teams, the only representatives from Italy: AlterEgo team and iCub 3 team. We will then move on to the nomination of IIT researcher Agnieszka Wykowska among the “50 women in robotics you need to know about 2022” according to the board of Women in Robotics, to the founding of Kidaria, the 33rd IIT startup, and conclude with the recent publication in Nature Neuroscience, of the study coordinated by IIT researcher Francesco Papaleo on the origin of altruism and selfishness.

For the Voices From The Labs microphone interview, we chat with IIT researcher Nicola Tirelli, PI of the Polymers and Biomaterials laboratory and IIT Associate Director for Education. During his career, Tirelli, in addition to academic roles, has also held administrative positions, from which he has learnt a working method based on well-defined objectives and strict planning. On 1 November, in the framework of the Science Festival in Genoa, he will moderate the meeting ‘Words of Science and the Art of Clarity’ based on a discussion between the writer Gianrico Carofiglio and the physician Prof. Alberto Mantovani, during which the duality between the responsibility of clarity towards the public and the responsibility of accuracy of information when disseminating information will be discussed.

In the section of the episode dedicated to news from the IIT laboratories, we discuss about: :

Buon ascolto!


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