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Rubrica, The Guest: Intervista a Asya Rolls

Vincitrice di un ERC starting grant

Asya Rolls è Professore Associato presso la Rappaport Medical School, Technion, dell’Israel Institute of Technology dove studia il meccanismo fisiologico attraverso il quale emozioni e pensieri interagiscono con la salute fisica. Il suo team utilizza approcci comportamentali e chemogenetici per indagare come specifiche attività cerebrali influenzino la risposta immunitaria. Decifrando l’attività neuronale il suo lavoro mira a definira il potenziale terapeutico del cervello. Asya Rolls è Wellcome investigator dell’International Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) e vincitrice di un ERC starting grant.

 Asya Rolls is Associate Professor at the Rappaport Medical School, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. She is also an International Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)-Wellcome investigator. Rolls studies the physiological mechanisms whereby emotions and thoughts affect physical health. Her laboratory uses chemogenetic, optical, and behavioral approaches to investigate how specific brain activity affects the immune response.  By deciphering the neuronal pathways mediating brain-immune signals, her work aims to harness the brain’s therapeutic potential. Her work has been recognized through a number of awards including the NARSAD Young Investigator Award, Krill Prize (Wolf Foundation), the Adelis Brain Research Award and the ERC starting grant.


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