Special ed. – IIT, Contagious Energy

Interview with Lorenzo De Michieli, Director of the IIT Technology Transfer
Special issue – When technological innovation virtuously interacts with industry

An interview with Letizia Moratti, former Minister of Education, University and Research and President of the E4Impact Foundation
Special ed. – From Agenzia delle Entrate to the IIT labs

Interview with Massimiliano Gatti, Director of the Technical Services and Facilities Directorate
Special ed. – Morego 2007: a international research center is born

Interview with Francesca Cagnoni, Director of Research Organisation Directorate
Special ed. – How a success story is born

Interview with Athanassia Athanassiou, PI of the IIT Smart Materials Research Line
Special ed. – The first 20 years of IIT

Creating Non-Existent Technology for Cultural Heritage

Interview with Arianna Traviglia, Coordinator of the Centre for Cultural Heritage Technology (CCHT) at IIT in Venice
The 100 STEM experts go to school

Monica Gori, a key figure in the educational path to promote STEM careers for primary and secondary school teachers and students
Industry, Finance, Research: between history and future, for a changing country

Interview with Gabriele Galateri di Genola, President of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

A year with IIT OpenTalk