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Be aware, not scared (ep.7)

IIT community discussing the impact of COVID-19 emergency on their life and research

We talk about ways of keeping on reaching out to non-scientific audiences, even in a moment in which public events and congresses are not possible and on the way different countries are trying to open up again little by little.

It is an all-girl panel for our 7th episode. Not only are they all Alumnae, but they even used to share the same desk back at IIT.

Marta Orlando, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Charitè Hospital in Berlin, Martina Parrini talking from the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research in Basel, Switzerland and Erica Tagliatti connecting from London, where she works as Associate Research Fellow at UCL.

Marco Monga, IIT HR Director and Sylvia Mondinelli, IIT Alumni Relations Administrator moderate the call.


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